Getting to Know Coding and Its Career Prospects

What is Coding? according to Lecturer in Informatics Engineering at Nusa Putra University (NPU) Sukabumi, Rizki Rino Pratama, Coding is the process of processing code using a programming language, starting from writing it, repairing it, to maintaining it.

Coding is necessary, because computers do not understand human language, so Rizki said that to see a result like the display on a computer screen, we must write in a language that computers can understand, namely Binary.

“The illustration is like this, try to imagine Coding as a translator between your language and Binary. If you can imagine it, then you can better understand what coding is,” said Rizki.

According to Rizki, computers understand various programming languages. In order for us to communicate with computers, we must use the computer programming language.

“So, when you and the computer have the same understanding of programming languages, then you can communicate with the computer,” he explained.

There are several programming languages ​​that are popular and used around the world. Rizki said, there are at least five that are popular and simple enough for beginners to learn.

First, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), is the most popular programming language. HTML is used for front-end programming, and is used by almost all websites on the internet.

“So the HTML language is very important for people who want to learn front-end Coding,” he said.

Next is CSS, which is a popular front-end programming language after HTML. CSS itself, explained Rizki, is quite easy to learn, although not as easy as HTML.

“A lot of people learn HTML and CSS coding at the same time. Yes, because you have to master both of them in order to actually be able to make something,” said this master graduate from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

Next on the list is Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world. “A very flexible programming language,” said Rizki. Python has a simple syntax and a wide range of usage, making it great for beginners wanting to learn to code.

Still Rizki said, another popular programming language is Java, just like Python, Java is one of the most flexible and popular programming languages ​​in the world. Java is more often used for back-end programming and mobile applications. “But of course its use can be more than that,” he said.

Rizki explained that in its history almost all Android applications were made using Java. Even though things have started to change now, according to him, there will be jobs for Java programmers in the future.

“They are needed to organize and provide application updates, and of course create new applications,” said this Master of Computing Science.

Another programming language is JavaScript (JS), which is one of the most developed programming languages ​​in recent years. “There are huge market demands for JS programmers, so many people are starting to learn how to Coding JS,” explained Rizki.

JS is usually used for front-end programming to create interactive views. JS controls features like video player, animation, and GIFs. Recently, JS is being used more and more for back-end programming.

“That means, in theory, you can build a website using just JavaScript,” he added.

To really understand what coding is, according to Rizki someone who is studying needs to know the types of programmers, because each of them has different specialties.

First, said Rizki, a Front-End programmer, namely those who can make websites. They are, continued Rizki, responsible for making the design, appearance, and how to display content on a web page. These programmers master different types of programming languages, the goal is that they can carry out their specialization.

“The most common programming languages ​​for the front-end are HTML, CSS and JavaScript,” said the single born in Sibolga, North Sumatra.

Next, there is the Back-End Programmer. If the front-end programmer is responsible for the design and interaction of a website, then the back-end programmer is responsible for creating the application base for a website.

“This website application is very complex and designed with a special purpose. This goal is made using coding, “explained Rizki.

Finally, said Rizki, there is a Mobile Application programmer, this programmer makes applications for the IOS and Android operating systems. Its prospects are increasingly wide open, in its current records, the latest statistics show that mobile phone users in the world have reached 2.5 billion. “It’s a really big number,” he said.

Further explained by Rizki, studying Coding and working as a programmer, continued Rizki can have a big effect on a person’s personal and professional life. Because, currently there are more and more job prospects for programmers.

Working as a programmer, continued Rizki, has the opportunity to earn a high income from his profession. Especially if working freelance or contract employees, according to him many programmers who get paid more than $ 100 per hour.

“You can be your own boss. Even though there are many programmers who work for companies, there are quite a number of programmers who work as freelancers,” he said.

Furthermore, a programmer can also create their own projects. For example, he continued, a programmer who has a business network, can make applications and then sell them. “Or create a website according to personal orders, organizations or companies,” he said.

To be able to learn Coding quickly, Rizki provides several quick methods that beginners can do. YouTube can be a top choice for viewing hundreds of videos discussing important features of the programming language one chooses.

Furthermore, you can go through reference books, “If you are serious about learning coding, you can look for reference books that contain examples of syntax and other tools,” he said.

Another option can be through playing games. With the increasing popularity of programming languages, there are all kinds of apps and games designed to help you learn how to code. “Even though most of these games are intended for children, adults can also practice coding using them,” he said.

“The most important principle to master a programming language is practice. It doesn’t matter how you practice, as long as you are committed to giving your time to study, that way you will grow rapidly,” he concluded firmly.