280 Students of the University of Nusa Putra Sukabumi Seminar on Self Potential

SUKABUMI – In order to prepare quality graduates, the Informatics Engineering Study Program at the University of Nusa Putra (UNP) held a national seminar entitled “Prepare Yourself with Developmental Psychology” at the Auditorium of the University of Nusa Putra, Monday (2/1).

This seminar was attended by 280 students of Informatics Engineering Study Program, Nusa Putra University and also from outside campuses. Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Anggun Ferdina said, the seminar was held in order to prepare graduates of informatics engineering students in the world of work, in addition to gaining expertise but also emotional and psychological knowledge.

“This seminar focuses more on developmental psychology with the theme of knowing yourself and improving soft skills to become an IT professional,” he explained to Radar Sukabumi, Thursday (5/1).

According to him, career development is always aligned with self-potential management. Human potential is very broad. But unfortunately, there are still many people who do not know him well. Self-potential are big things that are hidden inside and haven’t been used, not infrequently they don’t even realize that power exists.

“Therefore, if we want to be successful in a career, then the first thing we need to do is identify our own potential for career development,” he concluded. (wdy)

Source: Radar Sukabumi